SeminarsSummerCamp 2019

How to plant healthy, growing churches in secular Europe

In the Vineyard, the planting of healthy churches (that plant healthy churches) is a vital part of our DNA. But planting a healthy, growing church in secular Northern Europe is no easy thing to accomplish. Ever since planting Odense Vineyard in 2012 with my wife and a small team and while working as Church Planting Coordinator, I have been trying, testing and searching for the models of church that will gain traction in cities like Odense where less than 1% of the population attend church regularly. If you have a heart to see more churches in the Nordic countries and beyond be planted and develop into healthy, growing churches where people come to faith in Jesus and grow into mature disciples this seminar is for you. I will share experiences and open up a discussion of what works and how to increase momentum in church planting.
